Intronix Technologies Blog
Medica 2010 was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with old friends, contacts, and build important relationships through meetings. We are grateful to the Canadian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (EDT), and Messe Düsseldorf (Canada) for their support during Medica. It was an extremely productive exhibition. We had several important meetings with European, Asian,…
Myoguide Needle EMG-guided Injection System Satisfies IEC/TUV Testing
31/10/2010 Intronix Technologies Corporation Toronto, Ontario, October 31 2010 – Intronix Technologies has just had an IEC/TUV testing program completed on Myoguide, needle EMG guided injection system. Testing to TUV (c-us) mark to IEC/CSA/UL/60601-1, IEC 60601-1-2 – EMC standards, and IEC 60601-2-40 – “EMG” standards, has been completed, including a successful on-site inspection. Intronix Technologies…
Myoguide Needle EMG-guided Injection System at MEDICA 2010
31/10/2010Intronix Technologies Corporation Toronto, Ontario, October 31, 2010 – Intronix Technologies Corporation will show their “new and improved” needle EMG (electromyography) guided injection system, Myoguide, at MEDICA 2010, November 17-20, in Düsseldorf, Germany. The updated Myoguide release complements the launch of Myoguide DOC. Myoguide DOC, is our new “tablet friendly” injection documentation software package. Myoguide…
Funny story from the AANEM 2010
Funny Stories at Exhibitions, or Tales from the Great Beyond There are always collections of stories coming from conferences and exhibitions we attend. This tale comes from the AANEM 2010 meeting: Food was served in the exhibit hall, which probably is not too good an idea, other than the attendees will be there to enjoy…
AANEM Conference
Intronix interacted with many of the clinicians and exhibitors attending the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine Conference. Myoguide was well accepted and we were fortunate enough to be able to discuss many possibilities for cooperative projects. We are looking forward to following up many leads and inquiries. Our newest version of Myoguide includes…
Practical Pain Management Journal Citing September 8, 2010
Myoguide has been cited in Practical Pain Management Journal, in the September 8, 2010 issue. The article addresses platelet rich plasma prolotherapy. This is where PRP is injected in into damaged tissue that had led an area into pain, discomfort, and reduced use. Myoguide was cited as a means to manage pain in these cases,…
Myoguide Guidance for Botulinum Toxin Injections
PRESS: MYOGUIDE GUIDANCE FOR BOTULINUM TOXIN INJECTIONS Myoguide presents a comprehensive integrated system that was developed to better satisfy the needs of leading Neurologists, Physiatrists and clinicians injecting neuromodulators such as: Botox©, Myobloc©, Dysport©, and Xeomin© for the management of pain, movement disorders, and spastic muscle Date Released: 08/22/2010 Therapy with botulinum toxin should be…
Clinical demonstrations of Needle EMG Guided Injection and Stimulation location
View Myoguide Clinical Demonstration EMG Guidance View Myoguide Clinical Demonstration Stimulation Location Myoguide provides a superior injection site targeting system with many useful features, such as, the ability to see and hear EMG signals, display real time analyzed EMG, and stimulation location capability. There are numerous advantages to embracing Myoguide for EMG guidance: • Conveniently…
New Look for Intronix Website
We’ve changed the look of the Intronix Website. We wanted to improve the flow of information on the site, and make it easier to find the products. Updated Java subroutines make the product page more interesting, compact, and improve the overall flow. Have a look at the Myoguide clinical Demo page ( There is a…
Myoguide will be available at the following conferences
Myoguide is being exhibited at the Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation (CNSF) Conference in Quebec City, Quebec Canada, from June8-11 2010. (See the King Medical booth) We will be at the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) Conference, in Quebec City, Quebec Canada, from October 6-9 2010 We will be returning to MEDICA in…