Improve Your Therapeutic Injections With Our Atlas Course Series

We recently launched a new series of courses in the Myoguide Academy: Anatomical Atlases Related to Neuromodulator Injection and the Management of Spasticity. We have three separate courses, focused on the head and neck, upper limb, and lower limb. They are meant to give a detailed anatomical overview of each muscle and the considerations required to effectively administer injections.

Administering therapeutic injections can sometimes be tricky, as each muscle requires a different set of approaches. The way the patient is positioned, length of the needle, and surrounding anatomy are all considerations that must be made before treating a muscle. Although injection guidance technology can greatly enhance accuracy, there is still a lot to know before an injector can be confident in their precision.

What makes these courses unique?

Our Atlas courses use an interactive and illustrative approach to teach students. Each lesson shows high-quality anatomical images, displaying the muscles and the surrounding anatomy. However, the 3D-anatomical model for each course allows students to explore anatomy in a new and exciting way. 

With our models, learners can isolate a muscle, highlight it, and remove or explode surrounding muscles for a better view. They can zoom in and out, and rotate the model on a 3D axis. This incredible tool can help students to gain a deeper understanding of anatomy, as it pertains to therapeutic injections.

This amazing resource, coupled with its low cost, is a tool that any level of injector, novice or expert, could benefit from.

How can they improve therapeutic injections?

Imagine you are preparing to inject a muscle you are not as familiar with compared to others. You can pull up the corresponding Atlas course, select the muscle you’re interested in, and read more about the considerations involved in injecting that specific muscle. Then, you can use the 3D-anatomical model to explore where exactly the muscle lies and how it relates to surrounding anatomy, like vessels and nerves.

With this specialized resource on call, wouldn’t you feel more confident in your precision when performing the procedure?

In Conclusion…

Our Atlas courses were designed to help injectors provide the best care possible. With 3D-viewing and injection-specific information about each muscle, we hope these new courses can be of service to you.

If this sounds helpful or interesting to you, head over to the Myoguide Academy to learn more. We are always eager to connect with our customers – please reach out if you have any questions at all.