Does the weather trigger migraines? An issue with the research

Have you ever noticed an association between the weather and your migraine attacks? You are not alone. A large proportion of people with chronic migraine attribute migraine attacks to the weather. From storms to bright sunlight, folks with migraines swear that specific weather patterns are responsible for triggering the onset of symptoms. 

Interestingly though, this association has been contested in research. Many studies haven’t found that there is conclusive evidence for this. However, an unclear scientific association doesn’t prove that the weather has no effect on migraineurs. 

In this article, we will break down why it is so difficult to research this association, and how the weather may actually be impacting people with migraine. 

Chronic Migraine: A Complex Condition

Migraine is a very complex condition as the nature of one person’s migraines can be so different from another. Additionally, folks with chronic migraine may have several unique triggers. Triggers can include things like food, stress, lack of sleep, and environmental changes that can compound, leading to variations in migraine severity and/or duration. 

The complexity and variation of chronic migraine can make it difficult to treat; everyone is different. It can also create confusion when trying to understand what specifically has triggered a migraine, as it could be one thing or a combination of triggers. 

One trigger that is commonly identified amongst people with migraine is the weather, but is this accurate? We’ll explore this more below.

What does the research say about weather patterns and migraine?

Several people with migraine attacks swear they have noticed an association between the weather and the frequency or severity of their attacks. The American Migraine Foundation has stated that about a third of people with migraines thought the weather triggers attacks. Further, out of those with more severe migraines, about half of them felt this way. 

Whether or not the weather is a proven trigger for migraine attacks is controversial in medical research. There is conflicting research, with evidence for and against this association.

The difficulty finding a reasonable, evidence-based answer may be due to the complexity and variability of migraine across individuals. For this reason, research that looks for trends amongst a population of migraineurs may not be the most appropriate design.

One study found this exact limitation when analyzing their data. They could not find any sort of correlation between migraine attacks and specific weather systems. However, they noticed that certain participants in their study seemed to be more sensitive to weather than others. Further, each of these participants were sensitive to weather triggers in different ways. For instance, some had increased migraine attacks when the barometric pressure dropped, while others experienced more attacks when the pressure increased. Overall, they found that this weather-sensitive group experienced more attacks when the weather changed, in general, rather in response to one type of weather event. 

Therefore, the way that weather can trigger a migraine may be different for each person, making it difficult to research. If you’ve noticed that a particular type of weather is triggering migraines, it may be so. 

How can weather trigger migraines?

There are several weather patterns that people with migraines have attributed to an increase in migraine attacks. 

The table below identifies the type of weather and the possible reason it may trigger migraines. 

Type of Weather Possible Cause
Pollution, smog, and smoke Smoke and air pollution can be inflammatory when inhaled
Cold temperatures Cold causes the body to tense up, especially in the shoulders and neck
Bright sunlight (summer days or reflecting on the snow) The glare and brightness can cause visual auras
Hot humid air Hot, humid air can cause vasodilation
Dry heat A dry heat can lead to dehydration
Changes in barometric pressure May influence the pressure inside ear and sinus cavities 

Unfortunately, it is impossible to control the weather. This makes preventing weather-related migraines difficult. However, you can prepare yourself by understanding your triggers and proactively taking measures to reduce other triggers. 

If you haven’t already, keep a diary of your migraine attacks. Note any potential triggers you may have been exposed to, for example: foods, light, noise, weather, etc. This can help you narrow down what is triggering your migraines. Include a lot of data about the weather if you think you may be sensitive to it. 

You can check the weather forecast regularly to see if your weather trigger is impending. Then, ramp up your prevention and self-care regimens. If you know drastic changes in temperature trigger you, you can ensure that you are avoiding other triggers, taking your meds regularly, and getting adequate sleep before seasonal changes. 

Along with knowing your triggers, it’s also important to understand what prevention tactics work for you. This will help you identify what you should try before any predicted weather events. 

Another tactic is to stay inside, ensure your space is climate controlled, and keep the windows closed during weather triggers. Although you cannot control the weather outside, it may be possible to keep your indoor environment stable. If you have to go outside, make sure you won’t overheat or freeze, wear a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun, and stay hydrated. 


In conclusion, many people with chronic migraine find the weather has an influence on their migraines. Although there may not be solid research-backed evidence for this association, it is likely that weather events or changing weather patterns can compound with other factors to trigger migraine attacks.

It’s important to understand your triggers so you can proactively prevent migraines when possible. However, anxiously anticipating weather-related triggers can be distressing as you cannot control the weather. 

If you notice an association with certain weather patterns and your migraines, speak with your doctor. They may be able to suggest specific solutions for your health.


American Migraine Foundation. (2023). Weather and Migraine. AMF. Retrieved from: here.

Hoffman, J., Scirra, T., Lo, H., et al. (2015). The influence of weather on migraine: are migraine attacks predictable? Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 2(1): 22-28. Doi: 

Migraine Canada. (n.d.). Weather and migraine: Is it really a trigger? MigCan. Retrieved from: here.

Swanson, J. W. (2019). Migraines: Are they triggered by weather changes? Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from: here.